Monday, April 9, 2012

Hanging Book Display

Recently I made a few book display slings for my daughter's numerous books. Here is the tutorial I used:

A couple of things the tutorial didn't make super clear:

You will want fairly thick dowels to support the weight of the books and the children who will hang on them. Buy your double rod brackets FIRST and then see what sized dowel will fit in. I believe I ended up with a 3/4 inch x 48 inch and a 5/8 inch x 48 inch rod per book sling.

This sling will hold tall books well, but shorter board type books will get lost. If you want to make one that will fit small or medium sized books you should adjust the measurements. So for board books you might want to half the 42" measurement to 21" or so.

Would I do it again? Probably not. First of all they were more expensive than I had originally anticipated. With all supplies about $20 each. For a homemade project that is a bit pricey for me! Second, they don't hold as many books as I would have hoped. Third, I see the potential for my 2 1/2 year old to hang on and break one.

BUT, they are super cute and we are enjoying them for now!

1 comment:

  1. hi! Your bookshelf turned out super cute- I made a hanging bookshelf not long ago, but it's got three separate shelves (only holds about 12 or 14 books at most) but I like that it shows the covers of the books really well and it's more display than storage... anyways. I totally know what you mean about it costing more than it should! Mine cost around 25 to make. Yikes. So I'm over here because my friend Kim sent me- a friend of yours too. All of the food you've posted about looks delicious btw.

